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Big Man Clinic exclusively for Tight Ends and Offensive Lineman for 9th – 12th grades.

Instructors include former NFL and college players with unique teaching ability


    • Stance and starts
    • Footwork
    • Blocking schemes
    • Pass Protection
    • Hand placement
    • Separation
    • Run blocking
    • Mental toughness
    • Double teams
    • Gap responsibility

Eligibility In accordance with NCAA regulations and state rules, players in high school are eligible to attend the academy without jeopardizing their athletic eligibility.  Worldwide Sports, LLC Clinics meets ALL NCAA and state eligibility rules.

Meals provided by Worldwide Sports, LLC

Certified Health and Safety professionals will be present for all clinics.

Register Now

If after registering an athlete becomes unable to attend the selected clinic, provided WWS Big Man Clinic is notified 30+prior to camp, the registration fee will be refunded minus a $20.00 administrative fee.  Email must be submitted to football@worldwidesports.net.

If an athlete is unable to attend the selected clinic for any reason other than injury (verified with a written note from a doctor) prior to 30 days of the selected camp, the athlete will be given the opportunity to attend an alternative camp but no refund will be available.  Email must be submitted to football@worldwidesports.net.

If an athlete is injured within 30 days of the selected clinic and consequently is unable to perform, and the injury is verified with a written note from a doctor, all payments minus the $20 administrative fee will be refunded.   Send email with physician’s note.

A cancellation made within 29 days will result in no refund.

Field Dimensions

  1. Field Length–45 yards long
  2. Field Width–160 feet (60 feet to hash mark, 40 feet between)
  3. End Zone–10 yards deep


  1. All teams will have two jerseys (a white and a dark jersey) with player’s number on the front and back. The number on the front must be a minimum of 2” and the number on the back must be a minimum of 4”.
  2. No football jerseys of any type shall be worn. T-shirts, compression shirt, or basketball type sleeveless shirts are the only choices of acceptable jerseys.  No player will be allowed to participate without a shirt.
  3. A mouthpiece is required.  No player will be allowed to participate without a mouthpiece.
  4. A cap-style soft shell helmet is required and must be worn properly and fully fastened. No player will be allowed to participate without a fully fastened, properly worn cap-style soft shell helmet.
  5. A cap-style soft shell helmet is defined as:
  6. Must have a Virginia Tech rating of 4 star or higher.  Search “Virginia Tech Soft Shell Helmet Ratings.  You may also try this link:  https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/flag-football-headgear-ratings.html
  7. Must have no metal components.
  8. Must have no hard-plastic component parts.
  9. Must have no sharp or hard edges and/or anything that could cause harm to another player.
  10. Must have a fully functional retention system or chin strap.
  11. The helmet manufacturer must carry a combined General Liability/Excess Liability insurance policy on their soft shell helmets

Starting the game

  1. A central timekeeper will be designated.  All games will begin and end on this person’s instructions.  He will also announce the time remaining at the 10, 5, and 2 minute mark.
  2. Visitors will have first possession and wear white (top team in bracket or first team listed will be the visitor).  The home team will have first possession the 2nd half and wear a dark color (bottom team in bracket or 2nd team listed will be the home team).
  3. Visitors (team in white) will always align their team on the right sideline facing the end zone.  Home (dark jersey) will always align their team on the left sideline facing the end zone.
  4. Ball is always placed on the right hash mark when at the 45 yard line.
  5. Referee will announce/post score before each offensive possession begins.

Moving the ball

  1. Offensive Plays Must All Be Passes! (No Run plays or Kicking/Punting)
  2. Field is marked at 15 yard intervals with cones.  (3 first downs without a penalty would result in a touchdown)
  3. Possession always begins at the 45 yard line at the right hash mark.  Hash mark placement of the ball must be enforced by officials, in accordance with NCAA rules, once the ball has been advanced.
  4. No penalty will be assessed in excess of the 45 yd line.  On an unsuccessful or successful offensive play from the 45 yard line resulting in an offensive penalty:  The ball will be returned to the 45 yard line and THE NEXT SUCCEEDING PLAY WILL BE FORFEITED.e. 1st down will become 2nd down; 2nd down will become 3rd down; and 3rd down will result in a turnover.        
  5. Offenses always move in the same direction
  6. No “Double Passes” are allowed.
  7. Once a forward pass has been thrown, a backward pass (lateral) is allowed.
  8. Should a swing pass not cross the LOS and a defensive player tags the ball carrier behind the 45 yard line, it is a safety.
  9. Snapper will position the ball within 3 seconds at the next scrimmage spot. (Delay of game if not set)


Special Rules

  1. No blocking.
  2. Receiver/Ball carrier is legally down when touched with one or both hands.  (Excessive force by shoving, pushing, or striking a blow will be penalized by automatic first down and 5 yards.  Expulsion of a player(s) if ruled unsportsmanlike & flagrant).
  3. Fumbles are dead balls at the spot with the last team retaining possession.  A muffed snap is not a fumble/dead ball.  The 4.0 second count remains in effect on snaps.
  4. Two delay of game penalties in the same possession results in a turnover.
  5. Any offensive penalty on the extra point try results in a turnover.
  6. The QB is allowed 4.0 seconds to throw the ball.  The Official timekeeper starts a stopwatch on the snap of the ball from center and stops the watch as soon as the QB releases the ball.
  7. If release is under 4.0 seconds, the play goes on.
  8. If the timekeeper sees that the clock has exceeded 4.0 seconds, he waits until the play is over (the play is not blown dead), then brings the ball back to the original line of scrimmage with loss of down. (The timekeeper will be an official or coach from a team that is not playing)
  9. All penalties will be marked off on a 4 second count EXCEPT for pass interference.  
  10. Defensive Pass Interference is the same as NCAA rules. (automatic 1st down & spot foul up to 15 yds)
  11. Responsibility to avoid contact is with the defense.  There will be NO chucking, deliberate bumping, or grabbing.  These actions will result in a 5 yd. penalty and an automatic 1st down.
  12. Offensive pass interference is the same as NCAA rules. (15 yard penalty)        
  13. Interceptions may be returned (“no blocking” rule applies).  If an interception is returned beyond the 45 yard line (the offensive origination point) it is a touchdown and point after attempt should ensue.  The teammates of the person who intercepted the ball may trail the runner so as to be in position to take a backwards pass.  They may not block for or screen for the runner.
  14. Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the previous spot or the new scrimmage spot in a timely fashion.  Failure to do so can result in a delay of game penalty.      
  15. The offensive center is not an eligible receiver (teams must have a center).  The ball must be snapped from the ground between the snapper’s legs. (mirror the game of football)
  16. The center will be responsible for setting or re-positioning the Referee’s bean bag at the line of scrimmage.  On change of possession, the team moving to offense will ensure the bean bag gets to the new scrimmage line. (centers on both teams responsible).
  17. No taunting or “trash talking”.  (5 yard penalty & expulsion if flagrant).
  18. The offense must gain at least 15 yards in the first 3 or less plays or the defense takes over.  (There is no kicking).  Four down territory occurs only after offense proceeds to or inside the 15 yard line cone (third quadrant).
  19. Fighting:  the player(s) involved will be ejected from the game and tournament.  If a team fight occurs, the teams involved will be ejected from the tournament and denied participation in any/all state qualifying tournaments!  They will also be disqualified from participating in the state tournament.  Throwing a punch will be disqualification for that SQT.
  20. Any dead ball foul on a play that results in the defense getting the ball and it is unable to be penalized back to the 50 yard line will result in a loss of down penalty.  The defense, now the offense, would be starting play with 2nd down.
  21. There will be an area referred to as the tackle box that extends 3 yards on both sides of the center and extending 3 yards deep into the backfield.  No eligible receiver may align within the tackle box.



  1. 6 points for TD
  2. 1 point for PAT from 3 yard line, 2 point PAT from 10 yard line.
  3. 2 points if a team returns a PAT back across the 45.
  4. Official score is kept by field referee and game manager.

                Tie Breaker 

  1. After coin flip to determine first possession, teams will alternate 4 down series from the 15 yard line.
  2. A winner is determined when one team scores during its possession and the other does not.  (Federation rules).
  3. If a second overtime period is necessary, each team must then go for two points on the conversion attempts.


  1. Teams will play two 15-minute halves (continuous clock for each half – see: “starting the game”).
  2. No half-time (teams simply reset to 45 yd line & begin 2nd half with home team in possession)
  3. No time outs.  (Exception:  Injuries.  All games will halt until player(s) can be removed as soon as safety dictates).
  4. Approximately 15 minutes between games – games should start every 45 minutes in SQT play.
  5. 7 on 7 tournaments require that all games start/end at the same time.
  6. Teams must be on site and ready to play when scheduled.
  7. If a team(s) are late and cannot start when the tournament officially starts, they will begin play with whatever time is left on the tournament clock – not to exceed 10 minutes of 1st half.
  8. Forfeit will occur after 10 minutes of the 1st half.
  9. Injury time outs may reduce the amount of time between halves and/or between games to maintain the game schedules.

 Secondary Coverages

  1. Coverage will be the choice of each participating team.


  1. 3 – Referee; Field Judge; Back Judge
  2. Timekeeper:  A designated official will keep the 4 second clock.
  3. May use 2 officials in SQT pool play.

Our partners have established discounted room rates for our teams and families. They are committed to ensuring you have an enjoyable and seamless experience. Teams and families that travel and reside overnight to participate in Worldwide Sports’ events must book hotel accommodations with our travel partners.

Flyer Big Man Clinic

  • What is maximum number of players per team?
  • Are school coaches permitted to coach 7v7?
    Public school coaches in Texas are not permitted to coach their team in 7v7.
  • What are sideline rules for coaches?
  1. No high school coach may serve as a coach or stand with the team on the sideline.
  2. All high school coaches present must sit in the end zone.  No high school coaches are allowed on the sideline.
  3. All team coaches will wear an identifying tag for clarification purposes.  A team may not have more than four (4) coaches on the sideline.
  • What is cost of Worldwide Sports 7 on 7 tournament?
    $385 for a single tournament.  $250 /tournament when team book three tournaments simultaneously in advance.
  • What is the last day to register for 7 on 7 tournament?
    14 days prior to tournament.
  • What is the check-In policy?
    Teams should arrive hour prior to tournament.
  • What documents are needed for eligibility?
    Valid documents include current report card and birth certificate. These documents should be submitted to WWS prior to tournament and also readily available upon tournament arrival.